Around Mason

Around Mason is a weekly digest of general faculty/staff announcements. They are included in The George every Tuesday. View the archive of past announcements.

  • Only announcements are listed in Around Mason.
  • Announcements involve general updates about occurrences, changes, or services that impact the Mason community
  • Submit a faculty/staff announcement for Around Mason using the online submission form. The deadline is close of business Wednesday for inclusion in the following week’s edition.

Guidelines for Using Around Mason

There are two types of announcements, 1) standard (Around Mason) and 2) alerts. Standard announcements are sent out in a weekly digest format on Tuesdays in The George.

Alert announcements are not restricted to the weekly digest format and are sent out under the name “Campus Notice” or “Building Notice,” upon review and approval. Read more information.

Standard Announcements

Submit requests by close of business on Wednesday for inclusion in the following Tuesday’s edition of Around Mason.

Each announcement can be published in Around Mason for a maximum two (2) weeks per semester. They do not need to be consecutive weeks. It is the responsibility of the sender to request/specify which dates the announcement is requested to be published.

Format of the Announcement:

  • Length must not exceed 100 words. Announcements over the word limit will be returned to the sender or edited by Strategic Communications staff.
  • Plain text only. Requests will be edited for clarity, general format, and grammar. The Office of Strategic Communications reserves the right to edit text in all announcements.
  • No attachments (.pdf, .doc, .pub). Flyers will not be accepted as announcements.
  • Include a web link for additional information.
    • Charts and forms may be put on a Mason website and you may include the link to this information within the announcement. The Office of Strategic Communications will not create and host a website for your announcement. Individual offices and departments are responsible for hosting and maintaining their own website links.

Around Mason will not publish the following types of announcement requests:

  • Items for sale
  • Recruiting for vacant positions
  • From sources outside of Mason


Current faculty and staff are automatically signed up to receive The George. If you are not yet receiving The George, you may subscribe here.